Thursday, September 17, 2009

Julian's Outpatient Surgery

Yesterday, Julian had outpatient surgery for a very bad skin bridge on his penis at Akron Children's Hospital in Akron Ohio.

We arrived at the hospital at 10am. Mind you, he wasn't able to eat past 8 pm the night before, so he was NOT a happy camper. He'd lost about a pound from the previous week's weigh in at the Genetic doctor, at check in. He did fine waiting for the most part. Chaeli (younger sister) was there for him to play with, and they have all kinds of toys to play with in Surgery waiting. He did not the the pre-surgery room, where him, his dad, and I were waiting for him to be taken back to surgery (mom was with chaeli in the waiting area). By then it was 12.05, he was tired, hungry, and sick of being in a room with no toys and no where to go. By the time the nurse came to get him from that room, she said "can you come with me?" Julian shook his head yes and grabbed her hand and out the door to surgery he went. It was crazy how okay he was with it all.

The procedure was supposed to be 20 minutes, it was almost 40 min. We had began to worry. Finally the doctor came out and called us, we went up to the desk, and he told us what the delay was all about. Apparently it was a lot worse then he had orginially thought (orginally, it was going to be 5 min procedure, not counting the medicine part). He had to cut the skin bridge (from the shaft to the head) and stitch both sides ( he didn't think he was going to have to use any stitches before). We were able to go back and see him in the first post operation room, and he was NOT a happy camper. He was screaming, and the nurse was holding him trying to calm in down. I grabbed my baby up, and he was apparent, he was not handling the morphine (for pain) very well. His nose was itching him, and he had lots of IV's hooked up still. They finally (seriouslly, how long does it take to give my kid something in an IV people!) game him half a dose of benedryl for the itching. He finally calmed down, but his pulse oxygenation was low. It got down to 79, whereas normal should be 98-100. I was really worried, but no one else that it was a big deal. Ryan and I kept pretty close watch on it. He kept saying awww. I was so sad for my little baby. They released him from post op one to post op two. They didn't even check his o2 states. This bothered me. I told the nurse my concerns from post op one, and she shrugged, and said it was because he was screaming. He had been, yes, but not for a while. There was no reason, I could see, why his states should have been hanging around 89 that much. I sent Ryan up to the desk to ask if mom and chaeli would come back and they agreed. Normally, I would have wanted Julian to have alittle time first, but I wanted mom to check out Julian and tell me if she thought he was ok concerning his O 2. She came back, chaeli had fallen asleep, and I told her what was up with the oxygen. His lips did pink up, and mom, Ryan, and I watched him like a hawk. We left the hospital at 3 pm. He wasn't sent home with any meds (the doctor revoked the perscription when his breathing slowed with the morphine). Tylonol is helping for the most part, but it still hurts him, obviously, especially during diaper changes. It's pretty red down there, slight bleeding, but his stitches look good. He is playing, eating, and sleeping normally.

We are supposed to call tomorrow to set up an appointment in 2-3 weeks for follow up with Urology.


Jennifer said...

I'm glad he's doing well. (: Poor little guy.