Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Doctor's Show

Just wanted to thank everyone for the comments/messages on my facebook/myspace in regards to this blog for Julian. I appreciate all the thoughts and ideas!

On that note, I wrote an email to everyone on my contacts list on google, trying to get the word out on this blog for Julian. I didn't realize it, but Babette Canton from the Dr. Phil show was still on my contacts list. I got a response from her! She mentioned possibly writing to the Doctor's Show in regards to Julian. I did so this morning. Ryan and I talked about it, and decided it couldn't hurt. I'll let everyone know if/when i hear something from them.

Julian is currently coughing/ gagging/ throwing up. (Like he does about every 4-5 wks for about 10 days) I hate to see him like that. The poor child just carries around a bucket to puke in and keeps on going! He doesn't seep as well during this time for ovious reasons.

Tomorrow starts the work week, and therefor more calls for us to make. We never heard anything back from the pediatricians office, so that's our first call tomorrow. Depending on what they say, we'll call the university hospital again. We are also going to call Julian's genetic doctor again, to ask for more infor on the microarray test they want to have done. (what are they looking for?)


Jennifer said...

Is the Doctors the panel of Dr.s that are featured on some of Dr. Phils shows?

Jessica said...

Yup. Apparently ( i didn't realize this before hand) they have their own show now on the same channel.