Friday, September 11, 2009

Eye Appointment and more

Julian went to his 6 month recheck for his eyes this afternoon (9-11-09) at the Eye Centers of Ohio in Canton, Ohio. He is not happy, they had to put in drops and stuff, but otherwise he is fine. He'll need glasses one day, but his sight isn't bad. There were no neuro symptoms (that's what they were looking for, behind his eyes), so that's a good thing.

Ryan made alot of phone calls today, and we haven't really made any progress, or so it seems. We have not heard anything concerning the mirroarray test and whether or not our insurance will cover it. I am trying to keep in mind that they did say it might be up to a week before we learn if the test will be covered or not. Another phone call was to the Cleveland Clinic. Three different specialist want him to go there for a muscle biopsy, and today we learned that this is not going to be possible. They do not take our insurance at all. No ifs ands or butts. They suggested University Hospital, so Ryan called. They need all the doctors to change their orders, since they wanted it done at Cleveland Clinic, and so we'll find out something more about that tomorrow (whether or not they will take him). I have to be honest, I feel like the second best (or third or fourth) is being offered to my son, and that REALLY bothers me. I'm trying to stay positive, and we have to do what we have to do, but I'm still frustrated. I am currently looking up the University hospital (looking into their pediatric program and the like) and will welcome any information anyone might have on them. Theres not alot to be found so far via google. We also called Julian's pediatrician, Dr. Jennifer Gigax, to see if changing the order for the muscle biopsy sounds like a good plan to her. We haven't heard anything back yet,