Sunday, March 14, 2010

Microarry Testing and Updates

A few months back, I was writing on here for my son how he needed this really expensive test, and our insurance wouldn't cover it.  Well......

A special grant came through about 3 weeks ago, and he has received this special, simple, blood test.  We should have the results in about six weeks.  I'm a little irritated for my son's sake that this couldn't be accomplished before the invasive muscle biopsy, which is JUST now healing and was done the beggining of December, BUT maybe something will come up in one of the results that will be able to help us help Julian in a more effective and productive manner.  The biopsy results will be up to six months from about the First of Feb.  and the Microarry should be in about four more weeks. 

Just is starting to say beggining sounds with his Teacher Mrs. Kathy on Wednesdays!  I'm so excited!  He's even letting her put finger paint on his pointer finger and he taps it on the shapes he's brought and made TWO pigs on TWO different weeks!  For Julian, this is AMAZING!  HE NEVER would have wanted to get dirty before!  She's definatly helping to desensitive him when it comes to his hangs being 'icky' and that's a good thing!  One more step to him hopefully being in a 'regular' school one day! 

I think it's really easy to underestimate what Julian goes through on the daily basis, because he does have 'normal' days sometimes, minus the talking.  BUT, he's at the age now where I can tell that he knows that he's not like his siblings, and I honestly think that makes him sad.  I'm hoping that we can figure out what is going on, so he and we can move on and hopefully help him better! 

Potty training is still rough, but this last week has brought some changes for him, so I'm not really 'counting' it.  He did poop in the potty for the first time Thursday, and he does over all have less pee accidents.  We are keeping hanging in there. 

He was only REALLY sick a couple of times this winter season, which is a major improvement, and one we are really thankful for! 

He is due all of his follow ups with all of his specialist, so I will update when those start happening, hopefully sooner rather than later!

Thanks again to everyone who follows Julian's Journey!