Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 2010

Just a quick note on here for Julian.  This week was his 'Spring Break' from his class, so he didn't have one today.  He was some kind of upset!  I thought that if I didn't mention it, he wouldn't know....well, about 10:30am (30 min after when she would have been here) he went and got his communication board, his messy tray, chalk board and chalk, and pointed to the door.  I knew then I'd better explain.  He wasn't a happy camper!  But it did make me feel good that he likes her so much! 

At the end of this month, Julian has specialist appointments with his gastroenterologist and his neurologist.  I'm hoping and scared that we will most likely be getting the test results from the mircoarray test that was done a little over a month ago.  We still have not received any results concerning the muscle biopsy, and that's frustrating.  He's scare is 'healed', but still pretty red.  Chaeli points to it every time they are in the bath and says 'juldge (how she says 'julz') boo boo', it's cute. 

The month of March has been very difficult, but the kids are doing okay.  Julian's dad and I are both concerned (I believe I can say that) that Julian lost weight at this months' WIC appointment from last time he was weighed at his pediatricians'.  He was down to 29 lbs, fully clothed (with a thick hoodie), everything except shoes.  We talked about it and decided against making another pediatrician appointment at this time, since he has two specialist appointments coming up and will be weighed then.  However, I feel that if he hasn't begun to regains some of the weight he's lost, I will have to reconsider that.  He's not been eating as much for me, and it worries me.  I know it seems little, but he's tiny to begin with.  He also has grown an inch since he was last measured. 

He has been making 'projects' in his classes, which is awesome, because he actually lets the teacher put his finger in paint, or glue, or whatever they are using, and press it to the paper.  You can look at him and tell he's not really happy about it, but he does it and waits until its' done before wanting to clean his fingers!  He still refuses to use his whole hand most times, but it's progress.  She calls this his  desensitifacation work.  He's also improving even more with making noises and sounds.  He doesn't do it as well when Mrs.Kathy isn't here, but he tries for me sometimes.  I am trying to use the 'Julian, I need your eyes' phrase and sound out things more.  It's hard when I'm running after both of them, but I get in a few good mini lessons a day.

Julian is getting slightly better with the potty...some days.  It's still a struggle, although I think he's doing better for his dad.  What could I be doing wrong?  Everything I've read says not to make him sit there forever, even though I KNOW he's trying to poop, so I let him off the potty and ten minutes later he's filled his pants! So the next time I make him sit there longer, and I sit in there with him and try to distract him, and that just gets me a fit from him.  I guess he'll do it in his own time.

My current biggie (well, behavior wise) is getting Julian to help pick up his toys!  I just feel that he is 3, and I realize he's special needs, but his teacher thinks that he understands more than I give him credit for sometimes, and I should make him.  I'm having a hard time doing that right now, and really just want to make things 'easier' on him, and I KNOW that's not going to be good in the long run.  I finally got him to pick up a FEW toys in his sister's room this morning, and I told him that before bed tonight, we would finish picking up before bath time.  Mrs. Kathy thinks that giving him, first this, then that's, will help.  We'll have to see!

On another note, next week we will be getting into the YMCA, and I'm hoping to check out a class for each Julian and Chaeli.  It depends on how much extra it is of course, but I think getting them into something that might take there minds off of home being different might help.  Something fun, and something healthy! I am considering tumbling for Julian and Ballet for Chaeli, but we'll see. 

I will post on the appointments at the end of the month!