Friday, November 27, 2009

First Dentist Appointment

This week, Julian had his first Dentist appointment at Akron Children's hospital.  We were referred by his pediatrician because of his malabsorption, bowl malformation, and therefor the medication (iron) that he is on.  That combination usually makes for porous teeth with lots of cavities in kids.  We knew he had one cavity on the outside of one of his front teeth, but it turns out it was VERY tiny, and the iron was staining the spot and making it look scary bad.  They went ahead and filled it, because it's easier to stop it early.  He was kicking and screaming and NOT planning on being still at all, so they went ahead and filled it with silver (much quicker) instead of white filling.  It honestly looks much better than the brown the iron was making it, and you really can't tell.  They only thing that bothered me, was they didn't give him any numbing medication.  They side b/c it was only outer surface, it wasn't needed.

Julian kicked and screamed the WHOLE time.  I had to pretty much lay on him to be able to hold him down.  They went ahead and also cleaned his teeth and gave his teeth a flouride treatment.  I thought he'd be really mad when they were finally done (b/c of his fit) but when the Dentist asked for a high five on his way out the door, Julian gave  him one!


Jennifer said...

Poor guy. I bet it was hard to have to physically hold him down.:( At least he walked away okay & gave a high five.