Monday, July 1, 2013

Post Kindergarten, Current Medical changes

Julian finished Kindergarten with a bang! He did great! His DRA level is 3 (two words more and it would be a 4), which is where most the kids were heading into 1st grade. Even more good news? Julian 's Kindergarten teacher is moving up to 1st grade... and Julian gets to have her as a teacher again! Now, Ryan and I know that there are potential 'downsides' to this, but we feel for Julian (school gave us heads up and asked permission) the benefits far outweigh them. Mrs. N knows Julian, can understand his speech patterns, and knows his temperament well. We feel it would take another teacher months weeks if not months to understand him, and this would leave Julian missing out on valuable class time. We read everyday, and he's got most of the 100 sight words Mrs. N wanted him to have down by end of summer. He's known the required addition and subtraction facts 0-5 for months. He is seeing his outside speech therapist, Mrs. L, once a week (having the month of June off for summer). He has done well enough to not receive occupational therapay throughout the summer.

We have had Julian's end of year IEP meeting ... goals were changed remarkably, as he met goals set for the 2012-2014 school year within the second 9 weeks. He will be pulled out minimally for speech help, as we seek outside speech services for him as it is. He will remain in a typical classroom, as Mrs. N only had to call the in school intervention specialist twice all school year. We know this specialist, and LOVE her! We are so blessed have such a great school system.

Health stuff:  Julian has been throwing up again, and having what we thought was more acid reflux type symptoms. He's on Nexuum... it took two weeks to get insurance to pay for it, so this is his first week on it. His Gastroenterologist is concerned that it might be more, so we are to call after one week for an update, then after three weeks. Currently, Julian is still coughing alot, and gagging more than we'd like.

We have a behavioral feeding team appointment coming up soon. We are hoping to expand textures that Julian will eat. He's currently fixed on fresh veggies like zucchini  cucumbers, mild chedder cheese, and cheese sticks. He will eat frozen yogurt. He like crispy bacon, but only after it's room temperature. He'll eat apples, some peanut butter and Nutella  Basically, that's it. He'll eat those last two on toast, sometimes. He's still on 6 boost kid essentials 1.5 a day. While his latest blood work showed within normal ranges for the first time since 18 months old (and therefore he no longer has to take that supplement) Julian is still on Zinc and a multi vitamin.

Julian has dipped just below the 5% on the growth to weight chart.... he's grown taller. The Gastroenterologist is sightly concerned with the amount of boost not increasing the weight, but please with the height increase. It's showing at least his body can grow, and at least he's not loosing weight. He's at 43 pounds, 6.5 years old, 48 inches tall.

Julians brother is being tested for CF tomorrow. We are concerned that some of Julian's absorption issues are concurrent with some of the things we've been told are symptoms, and will be contacting Julian's geneticist soon, to request the same sweat test for Julian.

I'll try to update this more frequently.