Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Swallow Study

Today Julian had a swallow study done at Akron Children's Hospital.  

Remember this is our second attempt at this Xray.  The first time, daddy took him back and he wasn't having any of it.  They sent us home after only trying ten minutes that time.

This time, Julian was in an awesome mood (at the point of the day that we were getting the study done anyway lol) and he did really well.  They had him swallow this pudding (he wasn't having that.  Not a big fan of the pudding texture), then a cookie, and two drinks.  He really was amazed at watching the Xray of himself swallowing.  He'd have sat there all day if they would have let him.  

All looked good, so they are moving us on to a feeding team there.  

Back up a couple weeks.... He's been loosing weight so we are back to doing weigh ins every two weeks with his primary pediatrician.  He's at 31 lbs now (gained a few ounces this week).