Sunday, March 13, 2011

Julian is currently in an indoor soccer league at the YMCA and is doing really well.  He gets sensory overload about 2/3 of the way through and goes off by himself, but no fits or anything like that ! Videos of Julian in action at My YouTube Channel.

(Chaeli is taking Cheerleading at the YMCA)

Medical stuff:

The GI says that Julian's last blood work showed that his iron was 'normal' and wants to see how he does without an iron supplement for three weeks.  Then we'll check his levels again and see where to go from there.  This bothers me for many reasons.  For over three years he's needed this supplement, and even with it, his levels were never high enough to be called 'normal'.  But, we are trying these three weeks.

Julian's had a bit of a cold, but nothing major.  He's managed not to get really sick in over a year!  That's awesome considering he is still considered immino suppressed.  However, this cold has lingered, he's having off and on fevers, and feeling blah.  Plus, he's not been eating-even more than normal.  I made him an appointment with his primary tomorrow morning.  Thursdays he has his neurologists' appointment.  His speech therapists wants us to go ahead and talk about lining up behavioral, speech, occupational, and nutrition therapists for this summer to prepare him for school this fall.

If I am unable to move into the school district that will be the best for him and his special needs, he'll need to enroll where we are now (who has already said that she can't handle him), so we have an appointment the following Thursday to talk to that school.

Julian is making huge strides with sounds! He is combining two different sounds to form a word, although right now it still sounds like two separate words.  We are getting there though!

Love my babies!