Friday, January 7, 2011

No break for our baby.

I am really liking the new GI.  But I really really wish my child could catch a break.  Since the first appointment with Tracy (new GI), he has formed another abdominal blockage (discovered at last week's appointment).  He's on a clean out system right now of laxatives he is on, and will remain on until further notice.  After he was taken off of the prevacid at the first appointment, his abdominal pain persisted, so he was put on nexxum, which as worked wonderful!  He's pain is down, I'd say, more than 75%.

He is still on his Iron, Mulit. vit. with flouride, Zinc, and now his Nexxum (acid reflux med.), probiotics (helps digestion) and Miralax (laxative).

I'm worried.  How does one form another bowel blockage while on laxatives?  I am to manually feel his abdomen every day and we are to continue to monitor his poop closely.

While at last week's appointment though, we were able to talk to a nutritionist.  She suggested a way to make 'homemade boost' for when Julian wants more than four boost a day (all he is prescribed for insurance issues).  Somedays, he drinks four.  This way, the extra two a day can be as follows:
2 Tablespoons Heavy cream.
7 oz Whole milk
1 Serving of carnation instant breakfast.

Julian is NOT a huge fan of this alternative.  She also had a couple other tips, like stick butter has more fat than tub butter, but otherwise, it was all tips we've been doing.  Julian is maintaing at about 10% on the weight chart though, but he is at 50% on height.  Which shows he is really underweight, and not growing as other's his age are 'supposed to'.

Also about a week ago we had a neurologist appointment at Cleveland Clinic.  We'd been told the week before that Dr. Bruce Cohen, who we'd tried so hard to be able to see in the first place, was leaving but we were not told to where.  We drove all the way to CC to have an 'inital' appointment with his replacement.  We did get some good advice from him though.  It was suggested, that we had not considered; Feeding therapy, extra speech therapy, behavioral therapy, and proibotics (which the GI prescribed after I mentioned) However, we were told where Cohen moved to.......Drumroll......Akron Children's hospital!  Woohoo.  We are waiting for a phone call from them when Julian's name comes up on their list.  Apparently, other parents heard this news before we did, and Cohen's first actual day there wasn't until this past Monday.  Still good news, less of a drive, and where all of his other specialists are.

Julian's speech classes are going well.  Chaeli, as of today, is officially seeing both is teacher and speech therapist.  He makes more sounds and tries so hard, and is making progress.

The fact that he HAS to be in school this coming fall is stressing me out.  We are going to have to find a way to get him into Dover South school district, a mainstream public school that will take him, but also provide a teach that goes to class with him.  It's also a very good school, and Chaeli would get a good education and foundation there too.

Julian is on an obsession of Toy Story (all three movies) and most recently, Shrek movies.  He still loves his Mr. Potato head.

I try to consider how much he goes through, and how well he behaves, considering.  He's smart, sweet, and so very kind hearted!

I personally think that both he and his sister like it better when Ryan and are are together with them, mainly for appointments.  They both seem to act out more recently.  Just something I've noticed, and a couple friends.  My mom is starting to see it too.

Julian is starting to come up with his own 'signs' for trying to get us to figure out what he's trying to say.  It's so cute.  Like, he'll act like his steering a steering wheel to indicate he wants a car, or his car blanket. Or he acts like he has wings to indicate he wants buzz or to watch Toy Story.

He's loosing interest in his Go Talk.  Goal this week: to make it more 'available' to him this week, and see how that helps.