Saturday, November 20, 2010

Julian's New GI

Julian's previous GI was Emory Collins, out of Akron, Ohio.  We had been seeing him for 2 1/2 years. During that time, Julian has undergone 2 endoscopys and colonoscopys.  We never saw pathology reports, but after the second one, we were given the diagnosis of Celiac Disease for Julian, and told it was a result of inflammation shown during the test.  We've been going every 3-6 months during the time Julian has been under his care.  Ryan and I both have been thinking about going to a new GI, because we've felt that ever time we would go Julian would get weighed, measured, and the doctor would come in and tell us nothing new and come back in a few months.  Seriously.

So, Thursday, Julian had an appointment with a new GI at Akron Children's Hospital.  She was wonderful, and both Ryan and I really liked her!  We spent the entire afternoon there (okay, admittingly, we were stressed and tired, as were the kids) and got a lot of information.  She gave us the pathology reports from BOTH of Julian's endoscopy and cononoscopys.  She told us that there was nothing definite from the reports to suggest or not suggest Celiac Disease.  She is running a genetic test for CD.  If it's positive, then he has it, if not, he doesn't.  We'd never been told there was this kind of test for it!  She's also running thyroid test, and wants me to collect a stool sample (still working on that one), and checked for blood in Julian's colon.  She ordered an xray to check for impaction, because by manual exam she felt areas that appeared to be impaction. She took Julian off of his prevacid for acid reflux, because his endoscopys showed no signs of it, and he might have grown out if it.  If not, she will put him back on it.  She's also prescribed a laxative to try and help regulate him while we are waiting for the blood test. The office ended up calling in another, stronger and immediant laxative yesterday after the xray showed signs of impaction. He still has not had an actual bowl movement, and they had said that if he did not by the end of today, to call their emergency after hours line.  I will be doing that soon, if he still hasn't.  So, I'm worried about that.

BUT, thankful we have finally found a GI that seems like she's proactive, productive, and she listened very well!  She spent alot of time with us, was patient (our children were being a bit rowdy), and very informative.

Julian has a neurological exam and evaluation Dec. 29 at Cleveland Clinic.  It's overnight.  I'm hoping that we get some actual results from that, something that can actually help Julian.

I'll continue to keep everyone up to date on Julian! Thanks for reading!