Friday, October 8, 2010

As of October 13th....

Julian is 4 Years Old!!! 

 I'm not sure how I feel about it!  My baby boy! I will be blogging more on my page about it, but I wanted the fact that Julian will be FOUR down on his blog too!

Today Julian had speech here at home.  He was so excited when I said his speech teacher was coming, but a few minutes after she was here, he was not having it. A very 'autistic' day.  She did tell me that she is pretty sure Julian just can't get words out.  It's a mental brain block, in her opinion, that with lots of guided practice and encouragement, he might be able to overcome.  I forgot what she called it (he was SCREAMING lol), but it makes since the way she was explaining it.  She left early because she didn't want to stay if Julian wasn't engaged and she thought her staying would just irritate him more, but she said she'll make up the time.