Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Julian's Muscle Biopsy and First 'Class'

So this Monday was Julian's Muscle Biopsy.  We arrived at the hospital right at 7am, and the took up right back.  Into the gown he went, and we were in a room with a TV, so that helped keep him distracted a bit....for awhile!  He wasn't happy with the nurses checking his vitals and touching him.  The surgeon came in and talked to us, and so did the Anestia Doctor.  He thought that for Julian, it would be best to have some versaid to help calm him down before they take him back.  So a nurse came in about 20 minutes before they took him back and gave the medicine to him.  It took affect in less than 5 minutes!  He couldnt stand on his own, was giggly, and wanted lots of hugs/kisses!  SO cute/funny!  When they wheeled him past where we could go, and I leaned down and gave him a hug, he laughed at me! 

Things turned around!  We went into a waiting room, and the Doctor came out and talked to us about an hour later, said everything went well, and we could see him in about an hour.  So we sat.....and ten minutes later we were paged to head back to his step down room.  We go there, and were told to wait for him, that he'd be in in a few minutes.  A nurse came and said follow her instead, so we went to Julian...appparently he was freaking out too bad for them, and they wanted us to try and calm him.  We got there, and he was SCREAMING, KICKING, and FIGHTING harder than I thought possible.  he WAS NOT happy!  This didn't stop, and so they went ahead and put us, with him, back to the step down room.  THe nurse brought him some sprite, and that didn't really make him happy either.  He wanted to go!  He kept going to our bags,  pointing at his clothes, and then the door! They checked out his vitals some, and let us go in half an hour.  He screamed the whole way to the car, but calmed down soon after we were out of the parking lot.  About an hour after we were on the road, we stopped and got some food, and he ate, and ate and ATE!  We got back in the car and he took about an hour nap.

The wound is worse than I thought.  The made an incision in his Thigh, took a sample of the muscle, and will send it off to be tested.  We won't hear anything for about a month.  He won't be able to bathe in the tub for about a week, and will need a follow up in about a week as well.  He is still limping around and in pain, we are giving him some OTC pain meds.  He is still playing, and Yesterday we started both him and his sister's potty training, and he's absorbed in that right now (WHOLE different blog there already lol!)The pics won't upload, but we have one of his wound up on FackeBook, and the others from the trip to Columbus for the procedure will, hopefully, be up soon!

On to his visit with is teacher/speech therapist today! (pic above) She came at 10 (and has now said that will be every wednesday) to watch him eat.  She wants us to starting giving him one of things, and MAKING  him point to a picture before giving him more (she's going to bring some next wednesday).  Ryan took Chaeli into her room to play (teacher asked) and I stayed in the living room with Julian and his teacher, but out of the way, and didn't interfer.  I wanted to see how he would do.  He ROCKED it!  I was so proud of my baby!  He 'played' with her, and tried to mimic the sounds she was trying to get him to say.  He 'read' the book with her and let her touch his hands to deminstrate some signs.  I was so very proud of him.  He was actually upset when it was time for her to go!  We received our copy of his IEP, and they want him to stay in these 'at home' classes until he is retested in the Spring, then we'll see. 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Juilan's IEP

This week, Julian had his evaluation from the school system here at home.  Four teachers/psychologist came out and laid out their observations from all the testing they have been doing with him and the plan to get to the goals that we have for him.  This was the final evaluation for this stage, and now therapy will start. They were all pretty nice, and Julian seemed okay with them.  Not comfortable, just okay. 

I asked if Julian would have a chance to be in a 'normal' school, and they all said yes without hesitation, so that does make me feel better.  His IEP is simply his education plan for special needs children until he can be put in 'mainstream' school.

While Ryan and I don't agree on some of what they have said, we are willing to do whatever it takes for our child.  The biggie that we don't really agree with, is that overall, they say his 'age' is 18 months, when he is actually three years old.  I think that the problem is he can't 'answer' their questions like a normal three year old and he does have autism, so it makes it difficult to 'test' him. We, obviously, agree that his social/behavioral skills need therapy and work, and are happy he is going to get getting that.  His teacher is also a speech therapist, and will be coming out to our house  every Wednesday at 10:30 for an hour.  We think that once she spends one on one time with him, and Julian gets more confortable with her, they will see where he really is.  Also, he will have an occupational therapist (for his fine motor skills) will come see him 100 minutes every month.  He will be retested in May, and if he is still has behind as they say he is, it will continue through the summer. 

We were asked to set some goals that WE'D like to see him accomplish before May, and we said that we'd like to see him saying some words, and handling 'stressful' situations better.  They had a TON more goals for each of the catagories, speech, educational, and occupational.  I'm hoping that he can even put a dent in some of those.  I want him to be pushed as long as it's healthy, so I'll def be the hovering mom over the teachers for the first couple of visits until I'm sure they aren't expecting too much from Julian, and that Julian is more at ease with his teachers. 

The next hurdle is Julian's biopsy Monday in Columbus, Ohio (three hours from our house).  The biopsy is the test for genetic causes for his autism and bowl problems and find 'answers' as to his condition.  We are headed to Columbus Sunday early afternoon (well, around 11 am) and getting Julian settled in.  There is a couple of things that have to be done at the hospital before Monday's biopsy first thing in the morning.  We should be able to head back home by Monday late afternoon!  Mom is keeping Chaeli, and the older kids will be headed back to their mom's early that day (they can't miss school), and it'll be just Julian, me, and Daddy!  They say that he'll be sore, but should be fine to resume normal activity the next day!  I'm hoping that he handles it as well as his skin bridge procedure and as well as Dylan handled his hernia a few years back.  I'll keep everyone posted! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Autism Bloggers

Just wanted to share this site, again, that my friend Jenn shared with me.  Lots of good info, and advice and support from moms with children that have autism.  Take a look!