Sunday, December 12, 2010

Updates, Dec. 2010

The new GI wanted us to try removing prevacid, his anti acid, from his medicine routine because a side effect of the drug is constipation.  We tried this, and had to call the GI because he was still in pain.  So right now she has us trying nexxum.  It's a pain in the butt to give him, but he's beginning to take it a bit easier.  It does seem as if it is working though.  He's barely complaining about abdominal pain at all now, and has a couple days where he's eaten really well.

He's had another abdominal XRay since the last post, and is still on the laxative Miralax daily.  I received a message from the doctor's office Friday afternoon to give them a call Monday for test results so i will be doing that.  We are also supposed to go back in six weeks from last time we were there so I am going to try and make an appointment for that too, unless of course they want us in sooner.  He is in pull ups all the time now because he basically poops all of the time, but he still pees in the potty. 

His speech teacher has made two more cards for his GoTalk, and he is loving that.  He's new favorite button is 'color' lol.  His sister Chaeli has started speech classes with him, and right now they are sharing the time, and still listening to their teacher, so they are going to continue to try and keep it that way.  Julian's doing well with his teacher as well.

As always, he's a happy child.  He's obsessed with Toy Story 2 and 3 right now, is a bundle of energy, and loves to color.  He's sweet, and smiles all the time.  It continues to amaze me how optimistic his attitude is, considering everything he goes through medical wise.  I'm inspired b him every day.